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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

ZmaR, a novel and widespread antibiotic resistance determinant that acetylates zwittermicin A.

ZmaR is a resistance determinant of unusual abundance in the environment and confers on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria resistance to zwittermicin A, a novel broad-spectrum antibiotic produced by species of Bacillus. The ZmaR protein has no sequence similarity to proteins of known function; thus, the purpose of the present study was to determine the function of ZmaR in vitro. Cell extracts of E. coli containing zmaR inactivated zwittermicin A by covalent modification. Chemical analysis of inactivated zwittermicin A by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and high- and low-resolution mass spectrometry demonstrated that the inactivated zwittermicin A was acetylated. Purified ZmaR protein inactivated zwittermicin A, and biochemical assays for acetyltransferase activity with [14C]acetyl coenzyme A demonstrated that ZmaR catalyzes the acetylation of zwittermicin A with acetyl coenzyme A as a donor group, suggesting that ZmaR may constitute a new class of acetyltransferases. Our results allow us to assign a biochemical function to a resistance protein that has no sequence similarity to proteins of known function, contributing fundamental knowledge to the fields of antibiotic resistance and protein function.[1]


  1. ZmaR, a novel and widespread antibiotic resistance determinant that acetylates zwittermicin A. Stohl, E.A., Brady, S.F., Clardy, J., Handelsman, J. J. Bacteriol. (1999) [Pubmed]
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