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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Internalization of amelogenin by dendritic cells of the papillary layer during transition and early maturation stages.

The existence of amelogenin in the papillary layer facing transition and early maturation zones of ameloblasts of rat incisors and the role of dendritic cells were examined by light microscopic immunocytochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy using anti-porcine 25 kDa amelogenin antibodies and anti-MHC class II antibodies. At the light microscopic level, no overall relationship was observed between anti-class II-positive dendritic cells and anti-amelogenin-positive materials located intercellularly: anti-amelogenin-positive dots were scattered in papillary layers and ameloblasts. Anti-MHC class II-positive cells were present in the papillary layer at the transition and maturation stages. Under electron microscopy, however, the dendritic cells occasionally endocytosed anti-amelogenin-positive materials and formed small vesicles. The results suggest that the dendritic cells play a role in eliminating amelogenin from the enamel organ.[1]


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