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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Metabolic depletion of ATP by fructose inversely controls CD95- and tumor necrosis factor receptor 1-mediated hepatic apoptosis.

Hepatocyte apoptosis is crucial in several forms of liver disease. Here, we examined in different models of murine liver injury whether and how metabolically induced alterations of hepatocyte ATP levels control receptor-mediated apoptosis. ATP was depleted either in primary hepatocytes or in vivo by various phosphate-trapping carbohydrates such as fructose. After the activation of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor or CD95, the extent of hepatocyte apoptosis and liver damage was quantified. TNF-induced cell death was completely blocked in ATP-depleted hepatocyte cultures, whereas apoptosis mediated by CD95 was enhanced. Similarly, acute TNF-induced liver injury in mice was entirely inhibited by ATP depletion with ketohexoses, whereas CD95-mediated hepatotoxicity was enhanced. ATP depletion prevented mitochondrial cytochrome c release, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, activation of type II caspases, DNA fragmentation, and cell lysis after exposure to TNF. The extent of apoptosis inhibition correlated with the severity of ATP depletion, and TNF-induced apoptosis was restored when ATP was repleted by increasing the extracellular phosphate concentration. Our study demonstrates that TNF-induced hepatic apoptosis can be selectively and reversibly blocked upstream of mitochondrial dysfunction by ketohexose-mediated ATP depletion.[1]


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