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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Alginates from wound dressings activate human macrophages to secrete tumour necrosis factor-alpha.

Alginates are used to manufacture a number of wound dressings. Clinical observations indicate that they may initiate or accelerate healing of chronic wounds after treatment of underlying pathology. Wound granulation tissue contains large numbers of macrophages and they are thought to regulate the healing process. As purified alginates have been demonstrated to activate macrophages this study was initiated to determine whether alginates present within wound dressings may interact with wound macrophages. Alginate fibres taken from four commercially available dressings were co-cultured with the human histiocytic lymphoma cell line U937 following its differentiation with PMA. Activation was assessed by measurement of TNFalpha production. Two of the dressings, Seasorb and Tegagen, had a minimal effect whilst Sorbsan at 1 mg/ml induced 302 + 19 pg/ml TNFalpha. This effect was inhibited by polymyxin B indicating that activation was due to endotoxin contamination. Kaltostat induced production of 839 + 36 pg/ml TNFalpha. This effect was induced both by polymyxin inhibitable endotoxin and a direct interaction with the alginate fibres. These data indicate that some alginate containing dressings have the potential to activate macrophages within the chronic wound bed and generate a pro-inflammatory signal which may initiate a resolving inflammation characteristic of healing wounds.[1]


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