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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Expression of DM-GRASP/BEN in the developing mouse spinal cord and various epithelia.

The expression pattern of the immunoglobulin DM-GRASP/BEN gene was studied in the mouse embryo using in situ hybridization. DM-GRASP/BEN is expressed in the spinal cord in a subset of motoneurons expressing Islet-1, and non homogeneously in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG). In contrast, it's expression is homogeneous in the vestibulo-cochlear and trigemminal ganglia. DM-GRASP/BEN is also expressed in various epithelia of ectodermal or endodermal origin like the nasal, buccopharyngal and lung epithelia. In upper lip, DM-GRASP/BEN transcripts are present in the epidermal cells of the developing hair vibrissa follicles. First detected in the hair placode, DM-GRASP/BEN expression is localized in the central cells of the epithelial hair peg and then in a thin layer of cells crushed against the outer root sheath by the outgrowth of the hair shaft.[1]


  1. Expression of DM-GRASP/BEN in the developing mouse spinal cord and various epithelia. Fraboulet, S., Schmidt-Petri, T., Dhouailly, D., Pourquié, O. Mech. Dev. (2000) [Pubmed]
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