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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Magnetic resonance imaging using endoanal coil in anal canal tumors after radiochemotherapy or local excision.

The ideal method for evaluation of anal canal tumors after radiochemotherapy and/or local excision remains controversial. Endoanal magnetic resonance imaging (EMRI) is a new, promising technique. The effectiveness of EMRI is reported in a study of 24 patients. Axial SET1-weighted and TSET2-weighted, sagittal and coronal T2-weighted sequences using Fat-suppression were acquired. In 4 cases, the low signal/noise ratio did not allow a diagnosis. In 6 cases, the lesion was not detected. Parietal hypo-intense thickening was detected in 14 patients, but it was not diagnostic for disease recurrence. In this study, EMRI showed 58.3% sensitivity and 41.6% specificity, thus it was not useful in the follow-up of anal tumors.[1]


  1. Magnetic resonance imaging using endoanal coil in anal canal tumors after radiochemotherapy or local excision. Indinnimeo, M., Cicchini, C., Stazi, A., Alessandrini, G., Ghini, C., Fanelli, F., Pavone, P. International surgery. (2000) [Pubmed]
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