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Kinetic resolution of racemic alpha-methyl-beta-propiothiolactone by lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis.

Kinetic resolution of racemic alpha-methyl-beta-propiothiolactone (rac-MPTL) using lipases in organic solvent was studied. The lipase from Pseudomonas cepacia ( PCL) showed the highest (S)-enantioselectivity (E > 100), and cyclohexane containing 1% (v/v) buffer was identified as the best reaction medium for maintaining high enantioselectivity as well as high reaction rate. While the substrate inhibition was not observed up to 300 mM rac-MPTL, severe product inhibition was observed even at 50 mM racemic 3-mercapto-alpha-methyl propionic acid (rac-MMPA), which made the use of high substrate concentration difficult. To overcome the product inhibition, the products, (R)-MMPA, were neutralized by addition of a dilute basic solution. Although the resolution reaction proceeded further by the base titration, the enantioselectivity of the reaction decreased as a result of nonenantioselective hydrolysis of rac-MPTL in the basic solution. Under these conditions, 200 mM rac-MPTL was successfully resolved to above 95% ee(S) with 53% conversion.[1]


  1. Kinetic resolution of racemic alpha-methyl-beta-propiothiolactone by lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis. Hwang, B.Y., Lee, H.B., Kim, Y.G., Kim, B.G. Biotechnol. Prog. (2000) [Pubmed]
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