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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Small-bowel absorption of D-tagatose and related effects on carbohydrate digestibility: an ileostomy study.

BACKGROUND: The ketohexose D-tagatose is a new sweetener with a low energy content. This low energy content may be due to either low absorption of the D-tagatose or decreased absorption of other nutrients. OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to measure the excretion of D-tagatose from the human small bowel, to calculate the apparent absorption of D-tagatose, and to study the effects of D-tagatose on the small-bowel excretion of other carbohydrates. DESIGN: A controlled diet was served for 2 periods of 2 d during 3 consecutive weeks to 6 ileostomy subjects. In one of the periods, 15 g D-tagatose was added to the diet daily. Duplicate portions of the diet and ileostomy effluents were freeze-dried and analyzed to calculate the apparent net absorption of D-tagatose and carbohydrates. RESULTS: Median D-tagatose excretion was 19% (range: 12-31%), which corresponded to a calculated apparent absorption of 81% (69-88%). Of the total amount of D-tagatose excreted [2.8 g (1.7-4.4 g)], 60% (8-88%) was excreted within 3 h. Between 3 and 5 h, 32% (11-82%) was excreted. Excretion of wet matter increased by 41% (24-52%) with D-tagatose ingestion. Sucrose and D-glucose excretion increased to a small extent, whereas no significant changes were found in the excretion of dry matter, energy, starch, or D-fructose. CONCLUSIONS: The apparent absorption of 15 g D-tagatose/d was 81%. D-Tagatose had only a minor influence on the apparent absorption of other nutrients.[1]


  1. Small-bowel absorption of D-tagatose and related effects on carbohydrate digestibility: an ileostomy study. Normén, L., Laerke, H.N., Jensen, B.B., Langkilde, A.M., Andersson, H. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. (2001) [Pubmed]
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