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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Frequency-dependent electrophysiological effect of ibutilide on human atrium and ventricle.

Most of the class III antiarrhythmic agents developed in recent years blocks the rapid component of delayed rectifier potassium current (IKr). IKr blocker shows reverse use-dependency and also may cause torsades de pointes at slower heart rate. Ibutilide fumarate, a novel class III antiarrhythmic agent, increases window Na(+) current at the action potential plateau phase. We studied the rate-dependent effect of ibutilide on the electrophysiological parameters of human atrium and ventricle. Franz catheter and a pacing catheter were placed closely in the high right atrium and right ventricular apex to record monophasic action potentials (MAP) during pacing at cycle length (PCL) of 600 ms and 350 ms in eight patients who underwent electrophysiological study. MAP duration of right atrium (RA-MAPD) and right ventricle (RV-MAPD), effective refractory period of RA and RV (RA-ERP and RV-ERP), intra-atrial conduction time (IACT) and intra-ventricular conduction time (IVCT) were measured before and after intravenous administration of ibutilide (0.01 mg/kg up to 1mg). A conduction time from RA pacing spike to distal coronary sinus potential was used to measure IACT, while QRS duration of surface ECG during RV pacing was used to measure IVCT. Ibutilide prolonged RA-MAPD by 60 ms at PCL 600 ms and by 53 ms at PCL 350 ms; RV-MAPD by 48 ms at PCL 600 ms and by 55 ms at PCL 350 ms. Ibutilide did not affected RA and RV-ERP/MAPD ratio, IACT, and IVCT. Ibutilide prolongs MAPD and ERP of human atrium and ventricle without reverse use-dependency.[1]


  1. Frequency-dependent electrophysiological effect of ibutilide on human atrium and ventricle. Oshikawa, N., Watanabe, I., Masaki, R., Shindo, A., Kojima, T., Saito, S., Ozawa, Y., Kanmatsuse, K. Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology : an international journal of arrhythmias and pacing. (2001) [Pubmed]
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