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Disease relevance of Electrocardiography

  • The ECG category and creatine kinase level at admission remained highly predictive of death and myocardial infarction after multivariate adjustment for the significant baseline predictors of events [1].
  • Dyspnea or angina developed in 69 patients who took sildenafil and 70 patients who took placebo (P =.89); exercise electrocardiography was positive in 12 patients (11%) who took sildenafil and 17 patients (16%) who took placebo (P =.09) [2].
  • 214 patients were studied in a randomised trial to determine whether administraiton of intravenous atenolol within 12 hours of chest pain reduced eventual infarct size, as estimated by cumulative enzyme release and by ECG changes [3].
  • The plasma diltiazem concentration was 13.9 +/- 29 ng/ml 3 hours after ingestion and was significantly (p less than 0.05) related to the increased time to the onset of important ST-segment depression (r = 0.65) and to the decrease in the extent of myocardial ischemia observed in all 12 ECG leads (r = -0.61) compared with placebo [4].
  • Inhibition of dipyridamole-induced ischemia by antianginal therapy in humans. Correlation with exercise electrocardiography [5].

Psychiatry related information on Electrocardiography


High impact information on Electrocardiography

  • PATIENTS: All symptomatic patients who underwent exercise thallium testing between 1989 and 1991,939 of whom had nonspecific ST-T abnormalities and 1466 of whom had normal findings on resting ECG [11].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Based on these very large cohort studies, for individuals with favorable levels of cholesterol and blood pressure who do not smoke and do not have diabetes, MI, or ECG abnormalities, long-term mortality is much lower and longevity is much greater [12].
  • CONTEXT: Minor electrocardiographic (ECG) ST-T abnormalities are common, but their prognostic importance has not been fully determined [13].
  • The surviving child showed ECG and echocardiographic evidence of myocardial injury and transient elevation of the MB fraction of serum creatinine phosphokinase [14].
  • The acute synergistic cardiotoxic effects occurred with doxorubicin dosages that were severalfold less than those associated with only mild and transient ECG disturbances under normothermic conditions [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Electrocardiography


Biological context of Electrocardiography


Anatomical context of Electrocardiography


Associations of Electrocardiography with chemical compounds

  • When starting quinidine therapy in patients who are taking digoxin, the clinical course, ECG, and serum digoxin level should be followed closely [31].
  • Continuous Holter ECG tapes were analyzed before, during, and after mexiletine [32].
  • Therefore, careful follow-up with repeated ECG monitoring seems to be indicated when clonidine is given to a patient with suspected cardiac conduction disease, especially if the patient is concurrently receiving digitalis therapy [33].
  • 11 patients with chronic, stable, effort angina, off medication apart from glyceryl trinitrate, were monitored continuously by electrocardiogram (ECG) during normal, unrestricted daily activity [34].
  • The main data included the occurrence of vomiting before admission, plasma, and urinary potassium concentration at admission, whole blood chloroquine concentration on admission, haemodynamic parameters and ECG, administration of catecholamines and outcome [35].

Gene context of Electrocardiography

  • CONCLUSIONS: We observed significantly longer conduction intervals on baseline ECG in patients with established SCN5A mutations (PQ and HV interval and, upon class I drugs, more QRS increase) [36].
  • Furthermore, we provide evidence that ECG induces the ATF3 transcription factor, followed by NAG-1 induction at the transcriptional level in a p53-independent manner [37].
  • We found that at dosages which are known to modify ECG patterns, DSIP is unable to modify spontaneous or arginine chlorhydrate-induced GH and PRL secretion [38].
  • CONCLUSION: There are no significant differences in clinical presentation, ECG parameters, and cardiac events among LQT1 patients with different locations of KCNQ1 mutations [39].
  • EGCG and to a lesser extent ECG prevented the induction of VCAM-1 expression in a concentration-dependent manner after stimulation with TNF-alpha, whereas EC and EGC were without effect [40].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Electrocardiography

  • The specificity was higher for dipyridamole echocardiography than for exercise ECG (90% versus 51%, P < .001) [41].
  • The sensitivity to recognize group II was 76% for thallium-201 scintigraphy, 11% for ECG during the pain free period; 70% for ECG during angina; 94% for the combination of either positive scans or abnormal ECG [42].
  • ST elevation during exercise occurred in the same ECG leads as during spontaneous attacks at rest, and was always associated with a large perfusion defect on the exercise thallium scan [43].
  • The dipyridamole time also provided independent and additional prognostic information when it was adjusted for age, diabetes, resting ECG, and exercise stress test according to a modified, interactive stepwise procedure [41].
  • Myocardial imaging with thallium-201 at rest and during exercise. Comparison with coronary arteriography and resting and stress electrocardiography [44].


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