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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Targeting of functional antibody-decay-accelerating factor fusion proteins to a cell surface.

Recombinant soluble complement inhibitors hold promise for the treatment of inflammatory disease and disease states associated with transplantation. Targeting complement inhibitors to the site of complement activation and disease may enhance their efficacy and safety. Data presented show that targeting of decay-accelerating factor (DAF, an inhibitor of complement activation) to a cell surface by means of antibody fragments is feasible and that cell-targeted DAF provides significantly enhanced protection from complement deposition and lysis compared with soluble untargeted DAF. An extracellular region of DAF was joined to an antibody combining site with specificity for the hapten dansyl, at the end of either C(H)1 or C(H)3 Ig regions. The recombinant IgG-DAF chimeric proteins retained antigen specificity and bound to dansylated Chinese hamster ovary cells. Both soluble C(H)1-DAF and C(H)3-DAF were effective at inhibiting complement-mediated lysis of untargeted Chinese hamster ovary cells at molar concentrations within the range reported by others for soluble DAF. However, when targeted to a dansyl-labeled cell membrane, C(H)1-DAF was significantly more potent at inhibiting complement deposition and complement-mediated lysis. Cell-bound C(H)1-DAF also provided cells with protection from complement lysis after removal of unbound C(H)1-DAF. Of further importance, the insertion of a nonfunctional protein domain of DAF (the N-terminal short consensus repeat) between C(H)1 and the functional DAF domain increased activity of the fusion protein. In contrast to C(H)1-DAF, C(H)3-DAF was not significantly better at protecting targeted versus untargeted cells from complement, indicating that a small targeting vehicle is preferable to a large one. We have previously shown that for effective functioning of soluble complement inhibitor CD59, binding of CD59 to the cell surface close to the site of complement activation is required. Significantly, such a constraint did not apply for effective DAF function.[1]


  1. Targeting of functional antibody-decay-accelerating factor fusion proteins to a cell surface. Zhang , H., Lu, S., Morrison, S.L., Tomlinson, S. J. Biol. Chem. (2001) [Pubmed]
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