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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

A novel member of the STOMATIN/EPB72/mec-2 family, stomatin-like 2 (STOML2), is ubiquitously expressed and localizes to HSA chromosome 9p13.1.

A cDNA encoding a novel second member of the Band7/ stomatin-like/SPFH domain family in humans designated stomatin-like 2 (STOML2) has been isolated using the technique of cDNA Representational Difference Analysis. The STOML2 cDNA encoded a 356 amino acid residue polypeptide with a predicted molecular weight of 38.5 kDa. The predicted polypeptide sequence of STOML2 could be delineated into three major domains: an N-terminal alpha-helical region; a domain with significant similarity to a 172 amino acid region of the HSA stomatin polypeptide, composed of an alternating alpha-helical and beta-sheet structure and a C-terminal domain that was mostly alpha-helical. The stomatin-like domain was observed in 51 other proteins with potentially diverse functions. Based on its homology to stomatin, STOML2 was predicted to be cytoplasmically located. However, unlike most of the other proteins containing stomatin-like domains, the predicted STOML2 polypeptide does not contain a transmembrane region although the presence of N-myristoylation sites suggest that it has the potential to be membrane-associated. Northern blot analysis of a panel of poly(A)(+) mRNA from normal human adult tissues showed that a single 1.3-kb mRNA transcript encoding STOML2 was ubiquitously expressed, with relatively higher levels in skeletal muscle and heart compared to other tissues. Comparison of the STOML2 cDNA sequence with human genomic DNA indicated that the gene encoding STOML2 was 3,250 bp long and consisted of ten exons interrupted by nine introns. We have mapped STOML2 to HSA chromosome 9p13.1, a region that is rearranged in some cancers and thought to contain the gene responsible for acromesomelic dysplasia.[1]


  1. A novel member of the STOMATIN/EPB72/mec-2 family, stomatin-like 2 (STOML2), is ubiquitously expressed and localizes to HSA chromosome 9p13.1. Owczarek, C.M., Treutlein, H.R., Portbury, K.J., Gulluyan, L.M., Kola, I., Hertzog, P.J. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. (2001) [Pubmed]
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