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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The Structure of calnexin, an ER chaperone involved in quality control of protein folding.

The three-dimensional structure of the lumenal domain of the lectin-like chaperone calnexin determined to 2.9 A resolution reveals an extended 140 A arm inserted into a beta sandwich structure characteristic of legume lectins. The arm is composed of tandem repeats of two proline-rich sequence motifs which interact with one another in a head-to-tail fashion. Identification of the ligand binding site establishes calnexin as a monovalent lectin, providing insight into the mechanism by which the calnexin family of chaperones interacts with monoglucosylated glycoproteins.[1]


  1. The Structure of calnexin, an ER chaperone involved in quality control of protein folding. Schrag, J.D., Bergeron, J.J., Li, Y., Borisova, S., Hahn, M., Thomas, D.Y., Cygler, M. Mol. Cell (2001) [Pubmed]
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