Gene Review:
C4BPA - complement component 4 binding protein, alpha
Homo sapiens
C4BP, C4b-binding protein alpha chain, C4bp, PRP, Proline-rich protein
- Isoforms of human C4b-binding protein. II. Differential modulation of the C4BPA and C4BPB genes by acute phase cytokines. Criado García, O., Sánchez-Corral, P., Rodríguez de Córdoba, S. J. Immunol. (1995)
- Regulation of complement classical pathway by association of C4b-binding protein to the surfaces of SK-OV-3 and Caov-3 ovarian adenocarcinoma cells. Holmberg, M.T., Blom, A.M., Meri, S. J. Immunol. (2001)
- A novel interaction between type IV pili of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and the human complement regulator C4B-binding protein. Blom, A.M., Rytkönen, A., Vasquez, P., Lindahl, G., Dahlbäck, B., Jonsson, A.B. J. Immunol. (2001)
- A region of vitamin K-dependent protein S that binds to C4b binding protein (C4BP) identified using bacteriophage peptide display libraries. Linse, S., Härdig, Y., Schultz, D.A., Dahlbäck, B. J. Biol. Chem. (1997)
- Complement inhibitor C4-binding protein in amyloid deposits containing serum amyloid P in Alzheimer's disease. Kalaria, R.N., Kroon, S.N. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1992)
- Enhancement of long-term memory retention by Colostrinin in one-day-old chicks trained on a weak passive avoidance learning paradigm. Stewart, M.G., Banks, D. Neurobiology of learning and memory. (2006)
- The effects of citalopram (Lu 10-171) on the serotonin (5-HT) uptake kinetics in platelets from endogenously depressed patients. Beving, H., Bjerkenstedt, L., Malmgren, R., Olsson, P., Unge, G. J. Neural Transm. (1985)
- Action-based and vision-based selection of input: two sources of control. Magen, H., Cohen, A. Psychological research. (2002)
- Preventing depression among early adolescents in the primary care setting: a randomized controlled study of the Penn Resiliency Program. Gillham, J.E., Hamilton, J., Freres, D.R., Patton, K., Gallop, R. Journal of abnormal child psychology. (2006)
- Structural basis for the binding of proline-rich peptides to SH3 domains. Yu, H., Chen, J.K., Feng, S., Dalgarno, D.C., Brauer, A.W., Schreiber, S.L. Cell (1994)
- Blimp-1, a novel zinc finger-containing protein that can drive the maturation of B lymphocytes into immunoglobulin-secreting cells. Turner, C.A., Mack, D.H., Davis, M.M. Cell (1994)
- Isolation of a novel gene mutated in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. Derry, J.M., Ochs, H.D., Francke, U. Cell (1994)
- Elicitor- and wound-induced oxidative cross-linking of a proline-rich plant cell wall protein: a novel, rapid defense response. Bradley, D.J., Kjellbom, P., Lamb, C.J. Cell (1992)
- Protein S in cancer patients with non-metastatic solid tumours. Battistelli, S., Vittoria, A., Cappelli, R., Stefanoni, M., Roviello, F. European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology. (2005)
- C4d and C4bp deposition along the glomerular capillary walls in a patient with preeclampsia. Joyama, S., Yoshida, T., Koshikawa, M., Sawai, K., Yokoi, H., Tanaka, A., Gotoh, M., Ueda, S., Sugawara, A., Kuwahara, T. Am. J. Kidney Dis. (2001)
- Immunogens consisting of oligosaccharides from the capsule of Haemophilus influenzae type b coupled to diphtheria toxoid or the toxin protein CRM197. Anderson, P., Pichichero, M.E., Insel, R.A. J. Clin. Invest. (1985)
- A serine/proline-rich protein is fused to HRX in t(4;11) acute leukemias. Morrissey, J., Tkachuk, D.C., Milatovich, A., Francke, U., Link, M., Cleary, M.L. Blood (1993)
- Studies on mechanisms involved in hypoglycemia-induced platelet activation. Trovati, M., Anfossi, G., Cavalot, F., Vitali, S., Massucco, P., Mularoni, E., Schinco, P., Tamponi, G., Emanuelli, G. Diabetes (1986)
- Absence of linkage between type III protein S deficiency and the PROS1 and C4BP genes in families carrying the protein S Heerlen allele. Espinosa-Parrilla, Y., Morell, M., Souto, J.C., Borrell, M., Heine-Suñer, D., Tirado, I., Volpini, V., Estivill, X., Sala, N. Blood (1997)
- Dinucleotide repeat polymorphism between the human C4BPA and C4BPB gene loci (1q32). Velasco, E., Sanchez-Corral, P., Moreno, F., Rodriguez de Cordoba, S. Hum. Mol. Genet. (1992)
- Expression of the human gene coding for the alpha-chain of C4b-binding protein, C4BPA, is controlled by an HNF1-dependent hepatic-specific promoter. Arenzana, N., Rodríguez de Córdoba, S., Rey-Campos, J. Biochem. J. (1995)
- C4BPAL1, a member of the human regulator of complement activation (RCA) gene cluster that resulted from the duplication of the gene coding for the alpha-chain of C4b-binding protein. Sánchez-Corral, P., Pardo-Manuel de Villena, F., Rey-Campos, J., Rodríguez de Córdoba, S. Genomics (1993)
- Assembly of protein S and C4b-binding protein on membranes. Schwalbe, R., Dahlbäck, B., Hillarp, A., Nelsestuen, G. J. Biol. Chem. (1990)
- Structure-function studies on human C4b-binding protein using monoclonal antibodies. Hessing, M., Kanters, D., Heijnen, H.F., Hackeng, T.M., Sixma, J.J., Bouma, B.N. Eur. J. Immunol. (1991)
- The binding of protein S and the protein S-C4BP complex to neutrophils is apoptosis dependent. Webb, J.H., Blom, A.M., Dahlbäck, B. Blood Coagul. Fibrinolysis (2003)
- Visualization of human C4b-binding protein and its complexes with vitamin K-dependent protein S and complement protein C4b. Dahlbäck, B., Smith, C.A., Müller-Eberhard, H.J. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1983)
- Serum amyloid P component binding to C4b-binding protein. García de Frutos, P., Härdig, Y., Dahlbäck, B. J. Biol. Chem. (1995)
- Mutations in alpha-chain of C4BP that selectively affect its factor I cofactor function. Blom, A.M., Villoutreix, B.O., Dahlbäck, B. J. Biol. Chem. (2003)
- Protein S and C4b-binding protein: components involved in the regulation of the protein C anticoagulant system. Dahlbäck, B. Thromb. Haemost. (1991)
- The alpha -chains of C4b-binding protein mediate complex formation with low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein. Westein, E., Denis, C.V., Bouma, B.N., Lenting, P.J. J. Biol. Chem. (2002)
- Dissociation of serum amyloid P from C4b-binding protein and other sites by lactic acid: potential role of lactic acid in the regulation of pentraxin function. Evans, T.C., Nelsestuen, G.L. Biochemistry (1995)
- Novel purification scheme and functions for a C3-binding protein from Streptococcus pneumoniae. Cheng, Q., Finkel, D., Hostetter, M.K. Biochemistry (2000)
- Changes in the plasma levels of vitamin K-dependent proteins C and S and of C4b-binding protein during pregnancy and oral contraception. Malm, J., Laurell, M., Dahlbäck, B. Br. J. Haematol. (1988)
- Purification and molecular cloning of SH2- and SH3-containing inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase, which is involved in the signaling pathway of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, erythropoietin, and Bcr-Abl. Odai, H., Sasaki, K., Iwamatsu, A., Nakamoto, T., Ueno, H., Yamagata, T., Mitani, K., Yazaki, Y., Hirai, H. Blood (1997)
- Regulation and deregulation of the fluid-phase classical pathway C3 convertase. Gigli, I., Sorvillo, J., Halbwachs-Mecarelli, L. J. Immunol. (1985)
- Behavior of protein S during long-term oral anticoagulant therapy. Takahashi, H., Wada, K., Hayashi, S., Hanano, M., Tatewaki, W., Shibata, A. Thromb. Res. (1988)
- Dynamin GTPase is stimulated by crosslinking through the C-terminal proline-rich domain. Warnock, D.E., Terlecky, L.J., Schmid, S.L. EMBO J. (1995)
- Recruitment of the class II phosphoinositide 3-kinase C2beta to the epidermal growth factor receptor: role of Grb2. Wheeler, M., Domin, J. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2001)
- Differential binding of vascular endothelial growth factor B splice and proteolytic isoforms to neuropilin-1. Makinen, T., Olofsson, B., Karpanen, T., Hellman, U., Soker, S., Klagsbrun, M., Eriksson, U., Alitalo, K. J. Biol. Chem. (1999)
- C4BPAL2: a second duplication of the C4BPA gene in the human RCA gene cluster. Pardo-Manuel de Villena, F., Rodríguez de Córdoba, S. Immunogenetics (1995)
- The gene coding for the beta-chain of C4b-binding protein (C4BPB) has become a pseudogene in the mouse. Rodríguez de Córdoba, S., Pérez-Blas, M., Ramos-Ruiz, R., Sánchez-Corral, P., Pardo-Manuel de Villena, F., Rey-Campos, J. Genomics (1994)
- Human genes for the alpha and beta chains of complement C4b-binding protein are closely linked in a head-to-tail arrangement. Pardo-Manuel, F., Rey-Campos, J., Hillarp, A., Dahlbäck, B., Rodriguez de Cordoba, S. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1990)
- Reevaluation of total, free, and bound protein S and C4b-binding protein levels in plasma anticoagulated with citrate or hirudin. Griffin, J.H., Gruber, A., Fernández, J.A. Blood (1992)