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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Regulation of GTP hydrolysis on ADP-ribosylation factor-1 at the Golgi membrane.

The interaction of the coatomer coat complex with the Golgi membrane is initiated by the active, GTP-bound state of the small GTPase ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1), whereas GTP hydrolysis triggers coatomer dissociation. The hydrolysis of GTP on ARF1 depends on the action of members of a family of ARF1-directed GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs). Previous studies in well defined systems indicated that the activity of a mammalian Golgi membrane-localized ARF GAP (GAP1) might be subjected to regulation by membrane lipids as well as by the coatomer complex. Coatomer was found to strongly stimulate GAP-dependent GTP hydrolysis on a membrane-independent mutant of ARF1, whereas we reported that GTP hydrolysis on wild type, myristoylated ARF1 loaded with GTP in the presence of phospholipid vesicles was coatomer-independent. To investigate the regulation of ARF1 GAPs under more physiological conditions, we studied GTP hydrolysis on Golgi membrane-associated ARF1. The activities at the Golgi of recombinant GAP1 as well as coatomer-depleted fractions from rat brain cytosol resembled those observed in the presence of liposomes; however, unlike in liposomes, GAP activities on Golgi membranes were approximately doubled upon addition of coatomer. By contrast, endogenous GAP activity in Golgi membrane preparations was unaffected by coatomer. Cytosolic GAP activity was partially reduced following immunodepletion of GAP1, indicating that GAP1 plays a significant although not exclusive role in the regulation of GTP hydrolysis at the Golgi. Unlike the activities of the mammalian proteins, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Glo3 ARF GAP displayed activity at the Golgi that was highly dependent on coatomer. We conclude that ARF GAPs in themselves can efficiently stimulate GTP hydrolysis on ARF1 at the Golgi, and that coatomer may play an auxiliary role in this reaction, which would lead to an increased cycling rate of ARF1 in COPI-coated regions of the Golgi membrane.[1]


  1. Regulation of GTP hydrolysis on ADP-ribosylation factor-1 at the Golgi membrane. Szafer, E., Rotman, M., Cassel, D. J. Biol. Chem. (2001) [Pubmed]
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