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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Lack of neuronal NOS has consequences for the expression of POMC and POMC-derived peptides in the mouse pituitary.

The relevance of NO in neuroendocrine signalling has been investigated by analysis of cellular expression of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) and the POMC-derived peptides beta-endorphin, alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone and adrenocorticotropin. Expression patterns were studied in the pituitary gland of 150-day old wild-type and neuronal-NOS (nNOS) knock-out mice by using immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization and Northern blot analysis. Remaining NO-generating capacities in the knock-out mice were demonstrated by immunohistochemical localization of inducible, endothelial and neuronal NOS isoforms. Quantitative analysis revealed that cellular expression of POMC mRNA was drastically reduced in the pituitary of knock-out mice in comparison to controls. In situ hybridization studies demonstrated that this reduction was most pronounced in the intermediate lobe, while the anterior lobe was much less affected. Immunostaining for the proteolytic fragments of POMC was significantly reduced in the intermediate lobe cells of knock-out mice. A moderate reduction of immunostaining for these peptides was also observed in adenopituitary cells of nNOS knock-out mice. Our data demonstrate that the lack of nNOS substantially affects cellular levels of pituitary opioid peptides, which may have consequences for the response of these animals to stress and pain.[1]


  1. Lack of neuronal NOS has consequences for the expression of POMC and POMC-derived peptides in the mouse pituitary. Keilhoff, G., Seidel, B., Reiser, M., Stanarius, A., Huang, P.L., Bogerts, B., Wolf, G., Bernstein, H.G. Acta Histochem. (2001) [Pubmed]
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