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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Chelator-induced disappearance of carboxylate stretching vibrational modes in S2/S1 FTIR spectrum in oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II.

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has been applied toward studies of photosynthetic oxygen evolution, especially on the effects of Ca(2+) depletion and chelating agents using S(2)/S(1) FTIR difference spectrum in the mid-IR region. Ca(2+) depletion showed little influences on the symmetric (1365/1404 cm(-1)) and the asymmetric (1587/1562 cm(-1)) stretching bands of a carboxylate, which are typical of the S(2)/S(1) vibrational features induced by the oxidation of the Mn-cluster; however, minor changes were observed in the amide regions. Addition of a chelating agent (EDTA or EGTA) to the Ca(2+)-depleted membranes resulted in the disappearance of the carboxylate bands concurrent with large modifications of the amide bands with an apparent K(d) value of approximately 0.49 mM (for EDTA). The carboxylate bands and the greater part of the amide bands were restored by the replenishment of CaCl(2), and the chelators did not affect the spectrum in the nondepleted control membranes, indicating that the effects of the chelator are reversible and manifest only in the cases in which the Ca(2+) site is unoccupied by Ca(2+). Ca(2+)-depleted membranes showed the normal S(2)Q(A)(-) thermoluminescence band, and further addition of EDTA did not show any effects on the peak temperature and peak intensity. Moreover, the Ca(2+)-depleted membranes in the presence of EDTA exhibited the S(2) multiline EPR signal with nearly the normal hyperfine splittings. These results demonstrated that the Mn-cluster is oxidized to the S(2) state with normal redox and magnetic properties in the presence of the chelator despite the loss of the carboxylate bands in the FTIR spectra. The results are interpreted as indicating that the chelator interacts with the Mn-cluster as a replacement of the native carboxylate ligand. This prevents the structural changes of the Mn-cluster and protein backbone which are induced upon the oxidation of the Mn-cluster up to the S(2) state, but preserve the redox and magnetic properties of the S(2) state Mn-cluster. The roles of Ca(2+) in the photosynthetic oxygen evolution are also discussed.[1]


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