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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Expression of R-cadherin in the regenerating chick sciatic nerve.

The ultrastructural localization of R-cadherin in normal and regenerating chick sciatic nerves was investigated immunocytochemically, and was compared with that of N-cadherin. R-cadherin was found on the plasmalemmae of axons and Schwann cells where cell-cell contacts were made in the normal unmyelinated fibers. It was also noted that R-cadherin was expressed on the axolemmae where regenerating axons contacted with each other, and formed fasciculations. The normal myelinated fibers displayed no immunoreactivity except at the mesaxon. These findings of R-cadherin were almost the same as those of N-cadherin of our previous study. N- and R-cadherin seemed to be co-expressed at the cell-cell contact points as mentioned above in the double labeling study. It is probable that cadherins contribute to the pathfinding of regenerating axons by causing them to form fasciculation. However, it seemed that there was no selective sorting of axons by N- and R-cadherin during regeneration as far as the present study was concerned.[1]


  1. Expression of R-cadherin in the regenerating chick sciatic nerve. Shibuya, Y., Yasuda, H., Umeda, M., Komori, T., Ide, C. Anat. Embryol. (2001) [Pubmed]
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