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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Big endothelin-1 but not endothelin-1 is present in the smooth muscle stroma of the prostate gland of the rat.

Immunohistochemical techniques were employed to localize the presence of endothelins in the mature rat prostate gland. Immunoreactivity for big endothelin-1 but not endothelin-1 was observed in the fibromuscular stroma of the rat prostate gland. No immunoreactivity was seen in the glandular epithelium. Double staining procedures showed big endothelin-1 immunoreactivity to be co-localized with alpha-actin immunoreactivity. The stroma of the prostate gland also contained nerve fibres coursing through it which are immunopositive for tyrosine hydroxylase. These results suggest that big endothelin-1 but not endothelin-1 is co-localized with alpha-actin in the smooth muscle cells of the rat prostate gland. This implies that endothelin-1 is synthesized on demand from big endothelin-1 in the fibromuscular stroma of the rat prostate.[1]


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