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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The Assessment of Hyperactivity and Attention (AHA): development and preliminary validation of a brief self-assessment of adult ADHD.

A brief self-rating scale, the Assessment of Hyperactivity and Attention (AHA), was developed and validated using a "gold standard" DSM-based semi-structured interview. The sample consisted of 101 smokers (74% male, 73% Caucasian)-38.6% with no DSM-IV ADHD diagnosis, 10.9% with a childhood diagnosis only, and 50.5% with an adult diagnosis (requiring childhood diagnosis as well). The mean age SD was 33.7 9.7; participants smoked a mean of 19.0 5.6 cigarettes/day. Results indicate that the AHA has utility as a screening tool and as a self-report assessment of ADHD with sensitivity of .80, specificity of .60, positive predictive power of .67, negative predictive power of .75, kappa of .40, odds ratio of 6.15, and an area under the curve (receiver operating characteristic analysis) of .79. Given the high rate of ADHD among smokers, the AHA may be useful in identifying smokers who may need more in-depth clinical evaluation for attentional problems.[1]


  1. The Assessment of Hyperactivity and Attention (AHA): development and preliminary validation of a brief self-assessment of adult ADHD. Mehringer, A.M., Downey, K.K., Schuh, L.M., Pomerleau, C.S., Snedecor, S.M., Schbiner, H. Journal of attention disorders. (2002) [Pubmed]
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