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Life cycle inventory for municipal solid waste management.

Evaluating the environmental performance of municipal solid waste management options is a complex task. Part 1 of this study presents the municipal solid waste management program of the Pamplona Region in Spain, exploring the institutional, operational and economic factors of the program. In Part 2, alternative waste management scenarios that include the selective collection of organic material and composting are illustrated. The use of a Life Cycle Inventory model for waste management allows for the comparison of the environmental burdens of the different scenarios. This use of a Life Cycle Inventory model for solid waste management lets program managers and decision makers include energy use, final solid waste, and Greenhouse gas emissions in the decision making process. Additionally, the different management scenarios are evaluated on their ability to fulfil Pamplona regional objectives and meet European Packaging and Landfill Directive targets.[1]


  1. Life cycle inventory for municipal solid waste management. Wilson, E.J. Waste management & research : the journal of the International Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association, ISWA. (2002) [Pubmed]
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