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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Temporal relationships between FSH receptor, type 1 insulin-like growth factor receptor, and aromatase expression during FSH-induced differentiation of bovine granulosa cells maintained in serum-free culture.

A serum-free culture system has been developed in ruminants that allows gonadotrophin-responsive induction of oestradiol (E2) production by non-differentiated granulosa cells (GC) from small antral follicles. Critical determinants are dose of FSH and insulin-like growth factor ( IGF), and the plating density of the GC. Over the first 16 h of culture when cells remained as a dispersed monolayer, expression declined in FSH receptors (FSHr) (P <0.001), IGF type 1 receptor (IGF-1r) (P <0.08) and p450 arom (CYP19, P <0.001). Characteristic GC clusters formed from 16 h and further enlarged between 24 and 48 h, accompanied by marked increases in FSHr (P <0.01), IGF-1r (P <0.05), and p450 arom (P <0.01) expression, and preceded induction and subsequent peak E2 production, at 96 and 144 h, respectively (P <0.01). In conclusion, isolation and dispersion of GC appears to induce reversion to an immature state resulting in loss of receptor expression. Re-establishment of cell-cell communications in the presence of FSH and IGF results in receptor up-regulation and induction of cellular differentiation.[1]


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