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Membrane ion channels of endothelial cells.

It is becoming clear that endothelial cells in the vascular system have important functions. In the microvessels they play an active role in regulating vascular permeability, while in large vessels, endothelial cells contribute to the control of smooth muscle tone. Control of both permeability and tone involve a range of mechanisms, in which changes in [Ca2+]i appear to play a major role. As elevation of [Ca2+]i can be caused by either release from intracellular stores or increased entry across the plasmalemma, and as the latter will be modulated by the resting membrane potential, the ion channels controlling the membrane potential are critical to an understanding of endothelial function. Patricia Revest and Joan Abbott summarize the properties of endothelial ion channels, and explore the ways in which the channels could control permeability, secretion and smooth muscle tone.[1]


  1. Membrane ion channels of endothelial cells. Revest, P.A., Abbott, N.J. Trends Pharmacol. Sci. (1992) [Pubmed]
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