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Disease relevance of Permeability


Psychiatry related information on Permeability


High impact information on Permeability

  • Plasma leakage caused by release of some other permeability factor (including kinin made by tissue kallikrein) would thus lead to activation of the plasma cascade in many forms of inflammation [11].
  • The high water permeability characteristic of mammalian red cell membranes is now known to be caused by the protein AQP1 [12].
  • In many cells, activation of homomeric P2X7 receptors induces a permeability increase to larger organic cations including some fluorescent dyes and also signals to the cytoskeleton; these changes probably involve additional interacting proteins [13].
  • A fiber matrix ultrafilter at the luminal entrance to the clefts is essential if microvascular walls are to retain their low permeability to macromolecules [14].
  • Here, Na+ channels dominate, although a minor fraction of membrane permeability comes from K+ channels, as in frog skin, colon, or distal nephron [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Permeability


Biological context of Permeability

  • Affected individuals in these families had an increase in membrane permeability to Na and K that is particularly marked at 0 degrees C. We found that disease in these pedigrees was associated with a series of single amino-acid substitutions in the intramembrane domain of the erythrocyte band 3 anion exchanger, AE1 [21].
  • The Bcl-2 family of proteins, whose members may be anti-apoptotic or pro-apoptotic, regulates cell death by controlling this mitochondrial membrane permeability during apoptosis, but how that is achieved is unclear [22].
  • Protein phosphorylation catalysed by cyclic AMP-dependent, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent and Ca2+/diacylglycerol-dependent protein kinases is important both in the modulation of synaptic transmission and in the regulation of neuronal membrane permeability (for reviews see refs 5-7) [23].
  • When administered alone, neuropeptide Y reduces the discharge of action potentials, probably by increasing the permeability of the membrane to potassium ions through the activation of a G protein; this effect is reduced in the presence of alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonists [24].
  • The permeability rises when the cells are supplied with exogenous cyclic AMP or when their cyclic AMP synthesis is stimulated with choleragen or hormones; it falls when [cAMP]i is lowered by application of serum or due to increase in cell density [25].

Anatomical context of Permeability


Associations of Permeability with chemical compounds

  • Parthenogenetic activation with the divalent ionophore, A23187, elicits fertilization membrane elevation more rapidly than does activation by fertilization; however, the morphological and permeability changes characteristic of hardening proceed more slowly [31].
  • Drugs that inhibit cytoskeletal function, such as cytochalasins B and D, colchicine, and vinblastine sulfate, are all relatively effective in preventing the TPA-induced morphological changes but not the increases in transepithelial permeability [32].
  • Correction of the permeability defect in hereditary stomatocytosis by dimethyl adipimidate [33].
  • These defects were reversible, as they could be normalized by plating Col6a1-/- myofibers on collagen VI or by addition of cyclosporin A (CsA), the inhibitor of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP) [34].
  • Glycine ethyl ester inhibits the changes in morphology, solubility, and permeability, whereas sodium sulfite inhibits only the permeability block and resistance to solubilization by mercaptans [31].

Gene context of Permeability

  • Recent transgenic approaches have confirmed the profound permeability effects of VEGF (refs. 12-14), and have shown that transgenic angiopoietin-1 acts reciprocally as an anti-permeability factor when provided chronically during vessel formation, although it also profoundly affects vascular morphology when thus delivered [35].
  • The N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subtype of glutamate-gated ion channels possesses high calcium permeability and unique voltage-dependent sensitivity to magnesium and is modulated by glycine [36].
  • Vascular endothelial growth factor ([VEGF] also known as vascular permeability factor) is a potent mitogen and permeability factor, which has been suggested to play a role in embryonic and tumor angiogenesis [37].
  • Our finding of cAMP-mediated Cl(-) conductance suggests that, in vivo, at least some Delta F508 CFTR can reach the plasma membrane and affect Cl(-) permeability [38].
  • Microvascular endothelial water permeability, measured by a related pleural surface fluorescence method in which the airspace was filled with inert perfluorocarbon, was reduced more than 10-fold in AQP1 (-/-) vs. (+/+) mice [39].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Permeability


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