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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Association between Cyclooxygenase expression and colorectal adenoma characteristics.

The cyclooxygenase (COX) pathway is important in colorectal carcinogenesis with the majority of cancers overexpressing COX-2; however, the role of COX-2 in the development of colorectal adenomas is less well defined. Accordingly, we analyzed 108 colorectal adenomas for COX-1 and COX-2 transcription in archival formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue using by real-time PCR and normalized to beta-actin. Neither COX-1 nor COX-2 mRNA expression differed with regard to age or gender of the subject. COX-2 mRNA expression was significantly higher in distal adenomas (2.2 +/- 1.9) compared with proximal (0.7 +/- 0.5) adenomas (P < 0.0001) and in larger (>/=7 mm) compared with smaller (<7 mm) adenomas (2.3 +/- 2.2 and 1.7 +/- 1.3, respectively, P = 0.04). COX-2 expression did not differ significantly in tubular compared with tubulovillous adenomas, although there appeared to be a trend toward higher COX-2 expression in tubulovillous adenomas with increasing villous content. Additionally, there was not a significant difference in either COX-1 or COX-2 based on the degree of dysplasia Therefore, if COX-2 inhibitors work through a COX-2 mechanism, these agents may have differential effects on colorectal adenomas that are distal and larger.[1]


  1. Association between Cyclooxygenase expression and colorectal adenoma characteristics. Einspahr, J.G., Krouse, R.S., Yochim, J.M., Danenberg, P.V., Danenberg, K.D., Bhattacharyya, A.K., Martínez, M.E., Alberts, D.S. Cancer Res. (2003) [Pubmed]
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