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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

CD59 molecule: a second ligand for CD2 in T cell adhesion.

The T cell surface molecule CD2 forms, with its counter-receptor CD58 (LFA-3), a powerful adhesion/activation pathway. There is some evidence that CD2 might bind more than a single ligand. Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) expressing human CD59 after cDNA transfection (CD59+CHO) form rosettes with human T cells; these rosettes are inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion by the CD59 monoclonal antibody (mAb) H19 and by the CD2 mAb O275 known to block natural rosettes, but not by the CD2R mAb D66, a poor rosette blocker. CD2+CHO transfectants form rosettes with human erythrocytes; these rosettes are inhibited by the CD59 mAb H19 in addition to CD2 mAb O275 and CD58 mAb; murine thymoma cells expressing human CD2 form rosettes with CD59+CHO cells that again are blocked by CD59 H19 and by CD2 O275 mAb. In a marked contrast with H19, two others CD59 mAb, YTH 53.1 and MEM 43, which react with a different epitope on CD59, led to a 50%-70% increase of the number of cells forming rosettes. In addition to rosette experiments, the binding of 125I-labeled CD59 molecules to CD2+CHO cells was specifically inhibited by unlabeled CD59 molecule and CD2 mAb. Furthermore, the binding of CD59 molecules to resting T cells induced expression of CD2R epitopes. These results directly show that CD2 binds CD59 and that subtle molecular changes occur upon binding.[1]


  1. CD59 molecule: a second ligand for CD2 in T cell adhesion. Deckert, M., Kubar, J., Zoccola, D., Bernard-Pomier, G., Angelisova, P., Horejsi, V., Bernard, A. Eur. J. Immunol. (1992) [Pubmed]
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