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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Unilateral nephrectomy: effect on survival in NZB/NZW mice.

Male F1 New Zealand Black X New Zealand White mice, which spontaneously develop immune complex renal disease, underwent unilateral nephrectomy at 3 months of age and were compared with sham-operated controls. At 12 months of age only 24% of mice with a single kidney were alive, while 85% of sham-operated controls survived to the same age. Unilaterally nephrectomized mice had more severe renal histologic changes, as shown by light and immunofluorescence microscopy.[1]


  1. Unilateral nephrectomy: effect on survival in NZB/NZW mice. Beyer, M.M., Steinberg, A.D., Nicastri, A.D., Friedman, E.A. Science (1977) [Pubmed]
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