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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Age-related decline of intranasal trigeminal sensitivity: is it a peripheral event?

Compared to younger subjects, older people have a reduced sensitivity of the intranasal trigeminal system which responds to irritation of the nasal cavity. It is unclear whether the cause of this difference relates to age-dependent changes in the periphery of the system. The aim of the present study was the comparison of intranasal trigeminal thresholds assessed through electrophysiological measurements in eight young (four women, four men; mean age 25 years) and eight older subjects (four women, four men; mean age 62 years). The negative mucosa potential (NMP), a peripheral correlate of trigeminal activation, was recorded from the nasal mucosa in response to stimulation with varying concentrations of the mixed olfactory/trigeminal stimulants menthol and linalool. Thresholds were estimated as the strongest concentration which did not elicit a NMP response. Older subjects were found to have higher thresholds for menthol when compared to younger subjects. Furthermore, an explorative analysis indicated that the increase of response amplitudes to increasing stimulus concentrations was shallower in older subjects. These findings indicate that age related loss of intranasal trigeminal sensitivity seems to take place, at least to some degree, in the periphery of the intranasal trigeminal system.[1]


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