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Nasal Cavity

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Disease relevance of Nasal Cavity


High impact information on Nasal Cavity


Chemical compound and disease context of Nasal Cavity


Biological context of Nasal Cavity


Anatomical context of Nasal Cavity


Associations of Nasal Cavity with chemical compounds


Gene context of Nasal Cavity

  • These findings demonstrate that Fgf8 is crucial for proper development of the OE, nasal cavity and VNO, as well as maintenance of OE neurogenesis during prenatal development [17].
  • Little to no immunoreactivity with CYP1A1 antibody was observed in fixed nasal sections of control rats, yet intense immunoreactivity was seen in epithelia throughout the nasal cavity of MCS-exposed rats [29].
  • Phosphacan, unlike neurocan, was present within the mesenchyme surrounding the E11.5 and E12.5 nasal cavity [30].
  • In the present study, the regional distribution and cell-specific expression of CYP2A in the rat nasal cavity were examined using an antibody to rabbit CYP2A10/11 [31].
  • Despite a normal spatial pattern of DBA-stained neurons within the nasal cavity, there was a distorted axonal projection of these neurons onto the surface of the olfactory bulb in N-CAM-180 null mutants [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Nasal Cavity


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