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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Cutaneous smooth muscle tumors in the dog and cat.

Cutaneous smooth muscle tumors may arise from arrector pili muscles and from smooth muscles of the dermal vasculature. This report describes histologic and immunohistochemical features of eight arrector pili hamartomas in 8 dogs, 15 piloleiomyomas in 10 dogs and 3 cats, 10 piloleiomyosarcomas in 9 dogs and 1 cat, 1 angioleiomyoma in 1 cat, and 9 angioleiomyosarcomas in 6 dogs and 3 cats. Hamartomas and tumors arising from arrector pili muscles preferentially originated from the dorsal trunk. 5/5 (100%) arrector pili hamartomas, 10/12 (83%) piloleiomyomas, 4/5 (80%) piloleiomyosarcomas, 1/1 (100%) angioleiomyoma, and 6/7 (86%) angioleiomyosarcomas were positive for smooth muscle actin. 5/5 (100%) arrector pili hamartomas, 10/12 (83%) piloleiomyomas, 4/5 (80%) piloleiomyosarcomas, 1/1 (100%) angioleiomyoma, and 1/7 (14%) angioleiomyosarcomas were positive for desmin. Two incompletely excised canine angioleiomyosarcomas recurred locally. Metastases were not reported.[1]


  1. Cutaneous smooth muscle tumors in the dog and cat. Liu, S.M., Mikaelian, I. Vet. Pathol. (2003) [Pubmed]
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