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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Continuous D-tagatose production by immobilized thermostable L-arabinose isomerase in a packed-bed bioreactor.

D-Tagatose was continuously produced using thermostable L-arabinose isomerase immobilized in alginate with D-galactose solution in a packed-bed bioreactor. Bead size, L/D (length/diameter) of reactor, dilution rate, total loaded enzyme amount, and substrate concentration were found to be optimal at 0.8 mm, 520/7 mm, 0.375 h(-1), 5.65 units, and 300 g/L, respectively. Under these conditions, the bioreactor produced about 145 g/L tagatose with an average productivity of 54 g tagatose/L x h and an average conversion yield of 48% (w/w). Operational stability of the immobilized enzyme was demonstrated, with a tagatose production half-life of 24 days.[1]


  1. Continuous D-tagatose production by immobilized thermostable L-arabinose isomerase in a packed-bed bioreactor. Ryu, S.A., Kim, C.S., Kim, H.J., Baek, D.H., Oh, D.K. Biotechnol. Prog. (2003) [Pubmed]
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