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Viral DNA polymerase scanning and the gymnastics of Sendai virus RNA synthesis.

mRNA synthesis from nonsegmented negative-strand RNA virus (NNV) genomes is unique in tht the genome RNA is embedded in an N protein assembly (the nucleocapsid) and the viral RNA polymerase does not dissociate from the template after release of each mRNA, but rather scans the genome RNA for the next gene-start site. A revised model for NNV RNA synthesis is presented, in which RNA polymerase scanning plays a prominent role. Polymerase scanning of the template is known to occur as the viral transcriptase negotiates gene junctions without falling off the template.[1]


  1. Viral DNA polymerase scanning and the gymnastics of Sendai virus RNA synthesis. Kolakofsky, D., Le Mercier, P., Iseni, F., Garcin, D. Virology (2004) [Pubmed]
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