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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Rvb1p/Rvb2p recruit Arp5p and assemble a functional Ino80 chromatin remodeling complex.

The Rvb1p and Rvb2p (or TIP48 and TIP49) nuclear ATP binding proteins are universally conserved in eukaryotes and essential for viability of yeasts. Rvbp associate with each other as a double hexamer, with YHR034c and with two complexes involved in chromatin remodeling, and Loss of Rvb1p or Ino80p affects many yeast promoters similarly. Rvbp are not essential for the recruitment of Ino80p to promoters but are essential for the catalytic activity of Loss of Rvbp leads to loss of the functionally critical Arp5p in Rvb2p associates with Arp5p in vitro in a reaction dependent on the presence of ATP and Ino80p. Therefore, Rvbp are required for the structural and functional integrity of the Ino80 chromatin remodeling complex.[1]


  1. Rvb1p/Rvb2p recruit Arp5p and assemble a functional Ino80 chromatin remodeling complex. Jónsson, Z.O., Jha, S., Wohlschlegel, J.A., Dutta, A. Mol. Cell (2004) [Pubmed]
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