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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

CD63 as an activation-linked T cell costimulatory element.

Dendritic cells (DC) are unique in their capacity to either stimulate or regulate T cells, and receptor/ligand pairs on DC and T cells are critically involved in this process. In this study we present such a molecule, which was discovered by us when analyzing the functional effects of an anti-DC mAb. This mAb, 11C9, reacted strongly with DC, but only minimally with lymphocytes. In MLR it constantly reduced DC-induced T cell activation. Therefore, we assumed that mAb 11C9 primarily exerts its functions by binding to a DC-structure. This does not seem to be the case, however. Preincubation of DC with mAb 11C9 before adding T cells had no inhibitory effect on T cell responses. Retroviral expression cloning identified the 11C9 Ag as CD63. This lysosomal-associated membrane protein ( LAMP-3), is only minimally expressed on resting T cells but can, as we show, quickly shift to the surface upon stimulation. Cross-linkage of that structure together with TCR-triggering induces strong T cell activation. CD63 on T cells thus represents an alternative target for mAb 11C9 with its binding to activated T cells rather than DC being responsible for the observed functional effects. This efficient CD63-mediated costimulation of T cells is characterized by pronounced induction of proliferation, strong IL-2 production and compared with CD28 enhanced T cell responsiveness to restimulation. Particularly in this latter quality CD63 clearly surpasses several other CD28-independent costimulatory pathways previously described. CD63 thus represents an activation-induced reinforcing element, whose triggering promotes sustained and efficient T cell activation and expansion.[1]


  1. CD63 as an activation-linked T cell costimulatory element. Pfistershammer, K., Majdic, O., Stöckl, J., Zlabinger, G., Kirchberger, S., Steinberger, P., Knapp, W. J. Immunol. (2004) [Pubmed]
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