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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Deodorants: an experimental provocation study with isoeugenol.

Axillary dermatitis is common and overrepresented in people with contact allergy to fragrances. Many people suspect their deodorants to be the incriminating products. In order to investigate the significance of isoeugenol in deodorants for the development of axillary dermatitis when used by people with and without contact allergy to isoeugenol, patch tests with deodorants and ethanol solutions with isoeugenol, as well as repeated open application tests (ROAT) with roll-on deodorants with and without isoeugenol at various concentrations, were performed in 35 dermatitis patients, 10 without and 25 with contact allergy to isoeugenol. A positive ROAT was observed only in patients hypersensitive to isoeugenol (P<0.001) and only in the axilla to which the deodorants containing isoeugenol had been applied (P<0.001). Deodorants containing isoeugenol in the concentration range of 0.0063-0.2% used 2 times daily on healthy skin can thus elicit axillary dermatitis within a few weeks in people with contact allergy to isoeugenol.[1]


  1. Deodorants: an experimental provocation study with isoeugenol. Bruze, M., Johansen, J.D., Andersen, K.E., Frosch, P., Goossens, A., Lepoittevin, J.P., Rastogi, S.C., White, I., Menné, T. Contact Derm. (2005) [Pubmed]
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