MeSH Review:
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- Axilla skin biopsy: a reliable test for the diagnosis of Lafora's disease. Busard, H.L., Gabreëls-Festen, A.A., Renier, W.O., Gabreëls, F.J., Stadhouders, A.M. Ann. Neurol. (1987)
- Characterization of human cytokeratin 2, an epidermal cytoskeletal protein synthesized late during differentiation. Collin, C., Moll, R., Kubicka, S., Ouhayoun, J.P., Franke, W.W. Exp. Cell Res. (1992)
- Antibiotic resistance patterns of aerobic coryneforms and furazolidone-resistant Gram-positive cocci from the skin surface of the human axilla and fourth toe cleft. Eady, E.A., Coates, P., Ross, J.I., Ratyal, A.H., Cove, J.H. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. (2000)
- Microbial pathways leading to steroidal malodour in the axilla. Austin, C., Ellis, J. J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. (2003)
- Excretion of ciprofloxacin in sweat and multiresistant Staphylococcus epidermidis. Høiby, N., Jarløv, J.O., Kemp, M., Tvede, M., Bangsborg, J.M., Kjerulf, A., Pers, C., Hansen, H. Lancet (1997)
- Integration of conservative surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy for the treatment of early-stage, node-positive breast cancer: sequencing, timing, and outcome. Recht, A., Come, S.E., Gelman, R.S., Goldstein, M., Tishler, S., Gore, S.M., Abner, A.L., Vicini, F.A., Silver, B., Connolly, J.L. J. Clin. Oncol. (1991)
- A specific bacterial aminoacylase cleaves odorant precursors secreted in the human axilla. Natsch, A., Gfeller, H., Gygax, P., Schmid, J., Acuna, G. J. Biol. Chem. (2003)
- Prospective evaluation of fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyclucose positron emission tomography in breast cancer for staging of the axilla related to surgery and immunocytochemistry. Utech, C.I., Young, C.S., Winter, P.F. European journal of nuclear medicine. (1996)
- Unusual cutaneous toxicity following treatment with dactinomycin: a report of two cases. Kanwar, V.S., Gajjar, A., Ribeiro, R.C., Bowman, L., Parham, D.M., Jenkins, J.J. Med. Pediatr. Oncol. (1995)
- Long-term tamoxifen therapy to control or to prevent breast cancer: laboratory concept to clinical trials. Jordan, V.C. Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. (1988)
- The 10-year results of a prospective trial of post-operative radiotherapy delivered in 3 fractions per week versus 2 fractions per week in breast carcinoma. Bates, T.D. The British journal of radiology. (1988)
- Dynamic contrast enhanced MRI of the axilla in women with breast cancer: comparison with pathology of excised nodes. Murray, A.D., Staff, R.T., Redpath, T.W., Gilbert, F.J., Ah-See, A.K., Brookes, J.A., Miller, I.D., Payne, S. The British journal of radiology. (2002)
- Breast conservation in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers with early stage breast cancer. Phillips, K.A., McKay, M.J. Australasian radiology. (2001)
- Capabilities of two- and three-dimensional FDG-PET for detecting small lesions and lymph nodes in the upper torso: a dynamic phantom study. Raylman, R.R., Kison, P.V., Wahl, R.L. European journal of nuclear medicine. (1999)
- Efficient detection and long-term persistence of the carriage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Sanford, M.D., Widmer, A.F., Bale, M.J., Jones, R.N., Wenzel, R.P. Clin. Infect. Dis. (1994)
- Extramammary Paget's disease--evidence for an apocrine origin. An immunoperoxidase study of gross cystic disease fluid protein-15, carcinoembryonic antigen, and keratin proteins. Mazoujian, G., Pinkus, G.S., Haagensen, D.E. Am. J. Surg. Pathol. (1984)
- The synergistic effect of sympathectomy and hyperbaric oxygen exposure on transcutaneous PO2 in healthy volunteers. Thomas, P.S., Hakim, T.S., Trang, L.Q., Hosain, S.I., Camporesi, E.M. Anesth. Analg. (1999)
- Clinical efficacy and safety of atrial defibrillation using biphasic shocks and current nonthoracotomy endocardial lead configurations. Saksena, S., Prakash, A., Mangeon, L., Varanasi, S., Kolettis, T., Mathew, P., De Groot, P., Mehra, R., Krol, R.B. Am. J. Cardiol. (1995)
- The effect of aluminium chlorhydrate on sweat gland activity in cattle. Rees-Jones, A.M., Jenkinson, D.M. J. Invest. Dermatol. (1978)
- Excretion of beta-lactam antibiotics in sweat--a neglected mechanism for development of antibiotic resistance? Hoiby, N., Pers, C., Johansen, H.K., Hansen, H. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (2000)
- The metabolism of testosterone by dermal papilla cells cultured from human pubic and axillary hair follicles concurs with hair growth in 5 alpha-reductase deficiency. Hamada, K., Thornton, M.J., Laing, I., Messenger, A.G., Randall, V.A. J. Invest. Dermatol. (1996)
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- Detection of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor receptor (c-Met) and MUC1 from the axillary fluid drainage in patients after breast cancer surgery. Greenberg, R., Barnea, Y., Schneebaum, S., Kashtan, H., Kaplan, O., Skornik, Y. Isr. Med. Assoc. J. (2003)
- Relationship between progesterone receptor, axillary node status and productive fibrosis in ductal infiltrating carcinoma of the breast. Giani, C., Campani, D., De Negri, F., Capotorti, E., Savarese, M.R., Benigni, G., Incensati, R.M., Breccia, M., Miccoli, P., Evangelista, G. Applied pathology. (1989)
- Ki-67 immunoreactivity in breast carcinomas in relation to transferrin receptor expression, estrogen receptor status and morphological criteria. An immunohistochemical study. Wrba, F., Chott, A., Reiner, A., Reiner, G., Markis-Ritzinger, E., Holzner, J.H. Oncology (1989)
- Significance of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in benign and malignant breast epithelium: an immunohistochemical study of 151 cases. Bulut, A.S., Erden, E., Sak, S.D., Doruk, H., Kursun, N., Dincol, D. Virchows Arch. (2005)
- Age as a prognostic factor for breast and regional nodal recurrence following breast conserving surgery and irradiation in stage I and II breast cancer. Halverson, K.J., Perez, C.A., Taylor, M.E., Myerson, R., Philpott, G., Simpson, J.R., Tucker, G., Rush, C. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. (1993)
- Uniportal endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy for treatment of palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis: analysis of 2000 cases. Lin, T.S., Kuo, S.J., Chou, M.C. Neurosurgery (2002)
- Axillary metastasis as first symptom of occult breast cancer: a case report. Frattaroli, F.M., Carrara, A., Conte, A.M., Pappalardo, G. Tumori. (2002)
- Human fetal adrenal transplant: a possible role in relieving intractable pain in advanced rheumatoid arthritis. Bhattacharya, N., Chhetri, M.K., Mukherjee, K.L., Das, S.P., Mukherjee, A., Bhattacharya, M., Bhattacharya, S. Clinical and experimental obstetrics & gynecology. (2002)
- Lymph node siderosis in trypan blue treated rats. Dumont, A.E. Lymphology. (1988)