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Disease relevance of Dermatitis


Psychiatry related information on Dermatitis


High impact information on Dermatitis


Chemical compound and disease context of Dermatitis


Biological context of Dermatitis

  • These findings suggest that in situ activation of LCs by CD40L in the skin not only leads to chronic inflammatory dermatitis but also to systemic mixed-connective-tissue-like autoimmune disorders, possibly by breaking immune tolerance against the skin [20].
  • Severe ulcerative dermatitis occurred in 56% of Sl/Sld mice at an average age o4f 441 +/- 21 days and in 20% of heterozygotes and homozygous normal controls at 722 +/- 50 days [21].
  • Collectively, these results suggest a complex inheritance pattern of psoriasiform dermatitis in this model that involves lowered, but not absent, CD18 expression and at least two additional PL/J loci for the development of severe disease [22].
  • Up-regulation of VAP-1 in experimental dermatitis and arthritis could be visualized by specifically targeted immunoscintigraphy [23].
  • The effect of fat malabsorption on the absorption and renal excretion of dietary oxalate was studied in four patients with sprue and in two patients with dermatitis herpetiformis and sprue-like jejunal histology [24].

Anatomical context of Dermatitis


Gene context of Dermatitis


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dermatitis


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