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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The potassium channel opener BRL 38227 inhibits binding of [125I]-labelled endothelin-1 to rat cardiac membranes.

Binding of [125I]-labelled endothelin-1 (ET-1) to rat cardiac membranes and the effects of endothelin-1 (ET-1), endothelin-3 (ET-3), the calcium channel antagonist nifedipine, and both enantiomers of the potassium channel opener cromakalim (BRL 34915) on binding have been examined. Specific binding of [125I]-ET-1 was inhibited in a concentration dependent manner by both unlabelled ET-1 (10(-12)-10(-7) M) and ET-3 (10(-12)-10(-6) M). Nifedipine (10(-11)-10(-5) M) did not affect [125I]-ET-1 binding. However, BRL 38227 (10(-11)-10(-5) M), the biologically active isomer of cromakalim, significantly inhibited [125I]-ET-1 binding. The inactive isomer, BRL 38226 (10(-11)-10(-5) M) had no effect. These findings provide the first evidence for a stereospecific interaction between BRL 38227 and an ET-1 binding site in rat cardiac membranes.[1]


  1. The potassium channel opener BRL 38227 inhibits binding of [125I]-labelled endothelin-1 to rat cardiac membranes. Waugh, C.J., Dockrell, M.E., Haynes, W.G., Olverman, H.J., Williams, B.C., Webb, D.J. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1992) [Pubmed]
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