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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
We have previously reported a region on chromosome 5q as a possible susceptibility region for psoriasis. This cytokine cluster-rich region has also been suggested as a susceptibility locus in other autoimmune or inflammatory diseases including Crohn's disease (CD) and rheumatoid arthritis ( RA). Three specific single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been reported to associate with RA and CD and to change the functional activity of two organic cation transporters, solute carrier family 22 member 4/5 (SLC22A4) and (SLC22A5). In this study, we have analyzed these SNPs for an association with psoriasis. We have also performed a denser linkage analysis of this region with an additional 31 microsatellite markers. We were not able to detect any association with any of the three SNPs analyzed. However, our linkage result supports the involvement of this region in the etiology of psoriasis. We obtained a peak non-parametric linkage value of 3.1 for marker D5S436 in a subgroup of patients with joint complaints. This result supports the findings in another study of psoriasis patients originating from Iceland in which the authors obtained a peak logarithm of the odds score of 2.6 for marker D5S2090, only 2 Mb from D5S436. This suggests a psoriasis susceptibility locus on chromosome 5q32 that is involved in the arthritic phenotype of the disease.[1]