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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Functional activity of myogenic HLH proteins requires hetero-oligomerization with E12/E47-like proteins in vivo.

In this report we provide four lines of evidence indicating that E12/E47-like proteins interact in vivo with the myogenic HLH proteins MyoD and myogenin. First, cotransfection of MyoD and E47 in COS cells indicates that these factors synergistically enhance transcription of a reporter gene containing an oligomerized MyoD-binding site. Second, mobility-shift assays of muscle cell nuclear extracts, "double shifted" with specific antisera, have identified complexes binding to the MEF1 site that contain either MyoD or myogenin in association with E12/E47-like proteins. Third, association with E47 alters the phosphorylation state of MyoD. Fourth, C3H10T1/2 cells expressing antisense E2A transcripts contain low levels of E2A gene products and display less terminal muscle differentiation when infected with retroviral MyoD or when challenged to differentiate with 5-azacytidine treatment. In addition we demonstrate that MyoD, in conjunction with E12/E47-like proteins, is functioning as a regulatory nodal point for activation of several other downstream muscle regulators.[1]


  1. Functional activity of myogenic HLH proteins requires hetero-oligomerization with E12/E47-like proteins in vivo. Lassar, A.B., Davis, R.L., Wright, W.E., Kadesch, T., Murre, C., Voronova, A., Baltimore, D., Weintraub, H. Cell (1991) [Pubmed]
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