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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Adaptation of the Centers for Disease Control guidelines for the prevention of nosocomial infection in a pediatric intensive care unit in Jakarta, Indonesia.

We attempted to implement a nosocomial infection control program based on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines in an urban Indonesian public hospital at the request of Project Hope. Adoption of unmodified CDC guidelines was impeded by a substandard physical plant, absence of an infection control infrastructure, limited sterilization capabilities, lack of clinical microbiologic laboratory support, and the expense of single use medical devices. After on-site evaluations, CDC guidelines were extensively modified so that they were appropriate for local conditions and culture. Strategies included inexpensive architectural modifications, addition of sinks and a commode, introduction of disinfection procedures for reuse of disposable medical devices, and adaptation of available supplies for maintenance of aseptic technique. On subsequent site visits, many physical changes had been accomplished, and handling of reusable and disposable medical devises had improved considerably but adoption of clinical practice policies was incomplete. We conclude that it may be difficult to implement and sustain improvements in clinical practice in the absence of an infection control infrastructure and a strong commitment by hospital clinicians and administrators. Additional research is needed to refine flexible methods for rapidly assessing the specific infection control needs of institutions with widely disparate resources, patient populations, environments, and cultures.[1]


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