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Infection Control

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Disease relevance of Infection Control

  • To assess the extent to which US hospitals have established employee health services with infection control functions, we analyzed information obtained in the SENIC Project (Study on the Efficacy of Nosocomial Infection Control) from interviews with hospital officials and staff nurses in a representative sample of 433 hospitals [1].
  • For the control group, we randomly selected 33 patients with HIV-1 infection and isolation of a strain of M tuberculosis susceptible to isoniazid, rifampicin, or both, who were treated in Ramón y Cajal Hospital. Infection-control policies and practices were implemented [2].
  • Over the past 20 years there has been a greater interest in infection control in cystic fibrosis (CF) as patient-to-patient transmission of pathogens has been increasingly demonstrated in this unique patient population [3].
  • These mice all failed to ultimately control infection in the site, but in some cases (anti-CD4 treated, IL-12p40-/-, CD40 ligand-/-, and SCID) high dermal parasite loads were associated with little or no pathology [4].
  • Specific measures to control infection were effective in decreasing the incidence of infections caused by gentamicin-resistant Serratia [5].

Psychiatry related information on Infection Control


High impact information on Infection Control


Chemical compound and disease context of Infection Control


Biological context of Infection Control


Anatomical context of Infection Control

  • The level of two early proteins, glycoprotein B and glycoprotein D was reduced in one of the cell lines, however, levels were nearly equivalent to the control infection for two other cell lines tested [24].
  • CD8+ T cells can control infection by producing antiviral cytokines (e.g., gamma interferon or tumor necrosis factor alpha) or by triggering death of infected cells through perforin- or Fas ligand-dependent pathways [25].
  • These studies suggest that primary murine macrophages have limited ability to control infection with B. melitensis, even when activated by IFN-gamma in the presence of highly opsonic concentrations of antibody and complement [26].
  • Employment of such molecular methodologies, in conjunction with routine clinical sputum cultures, may provide improved information on the microbial status of CF patients, which will aid clinicians in both optimum patient management in terms of antibiotic regimes and CF centre infection-control practices [27].
  • In conclusion, this study demonstrates that with consistent infection control the postoperative exposure of PLA and PG-910 membranes has no significant negative effect on the regeneration outcome, although higher initial gingival recessions must be expected than in the nonexposed sites [28].

Associations of Infection Control with chemical compounds


Gene context of Infection Control

  • Moreover, in a mouse model requiring IL-12-dependent production of IFN-gamma, mice vaccinated with soluble Leishmania Ag and CD40LT DNA were able to control infection with Leishmania major [34].
  • Although CD40L(-/-) mice failed to control infection, CD28(-/-) and CD40L(-/-)CD28(-/-) mice, as well as C57BL/6 mice, spontaneously resolved their infections [35].
  • The ability of many microbial and inflammatory stimuli to activate members of the Rel/NF-kappaB family of transcription factors is associated with the regulation of innate and adaptive responses required to control infection [36].
  • A number of interventions have been demonstrated to abrogate Th2 cell development in BALB mice, enabling these mice to control infection [37].
  • Activin A-overexpression reduces neointima formation by 78%, whereas no significant reduction was observed after control infection [38].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Infection Control


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