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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Evaluation of cerebral hemodynamics with computed tomography perfusion using gadolinium as an alternative to iodinated contrast: a case report.

Computed tomography (CT) perfusion is traditionally performed using iodinated contrast, but this can be problematic in patients with impaired renal function or contrast allergy. We report a case of a 63-year-old man whose medical history was complicated by chronic renal failure, which was exacerbated after placement of a left cervical internal carotid artery stent by 70% stenosis and left hemisphere perfusion deficit. On a follow-up clinic visit, because of the patient s chronic renal failure, CT perfusion was performed successfully using gadolinium without further renal complications.[1]


  1. Evaluation of cerebral hemodynamics with computed tomography perfusion using gadolinium as an alternative to iodinated contrast: a case report. Moftakhar, R., Niemann, D.B., Turk, A., Pulfer, K. Journal of computer assisted tomography. (2006) [Pubmed]
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