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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Use of a HpaII-polymerase chain reaction assay to study DNA methylation in the Pgk-1 CpG island of mouse embryos at the time of X-chromosome inactivation.

A HpaII-PCR assay was used to study DNA methylation in individual mouse embryos. It was found that HpaII site H-7 in the CpG island of the X-chromosome- linked Pgk-1 gene is less than or equal to 10% methylated in oocytes and male embryos but becomes 40% methylated in female embryos at 6.5 days; about the time of X-chromosome inactivation of the inner cell mass.[1]


  1. Use of a HpaII-polymerase chain reaction assay to study DNA methylation in the Pgk-1 CpG island of mouse embryos at the time of X-chromosome inactivation. Singer-Sam, J., Grant, M., LeBon, J.M., Okuyama, K., Chapman, V., Monk, M., Riggs, A.D. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1990) [Pubmed]
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