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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Embryonic cortical neural stem cells migrate ventrally and persist as postnatal striatal stem cells.

Embryonic cortical neural stem cells apparently have a transient existence, as they do not persist in the adult cortex. We sought to determine the fate of embryonic cortical stem cells by following Emx1(IREScre); LacZ/ EGFP double-transgenic murine cells from midgestation into adulthood. Lineage tracing in combination with direct cell labeling and time-lapse video microscopy demonstrated that Emx1-lineage embryonic cortical stem cells migrate ventrally into the striatal germinal zone (GZ) perinatally and intermingle with striatal stem cells. Upon integration into the striatal GZ, cortical stem cells down-regulate Emx1 and up-regulate Dlx2, which is a homeobox gene characteristic of the developing striatum and striatal neural stem cells. This demonstrates the existence of a novel dorsal-to-ventral migration of neural stem cells in the perinatal forebrain.[1]


  1. Embryonic cortical neural stem cells migrate ventrally and persist as postnatal striatal stem cells. Willaime-Morawek, S., Seaberg, R.M., Batista, C., Labb??, E., Attisano, L., Gorski, J.A., Jones, K.R., Kam, A., Morshead, C.M., van der Kooy, D. J. Cell Biol. (2006) [Pubmed]
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