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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Synergistic Interactions of the Antiretroviral Protease Inhibitors Saquinavir and Ritonavir with Chloroquine and Mefloquine against Plasmodium falciparum In Vitro.

The antimalarial activity of several antiretroviral protease inhibitor combinations was investigated. Data demonstrate that ritonavir and saquinavir behave synergistically with chloroquine and mefloquine. These data, and interactions with pepstatin-A, E-64, and bestatin, suggest that human immunodeficiency virus protease inhibitors do not target digestive-vacuole plasmepsins.[1]


  1. Synergistic Interactions of the Antiretroviral Protease Inhibitors Saquinavir and Ritonavir with Chloroquine and Mefloquine against Plasmodium falciparum In Vitro. Skinner-Adams, T.S., Andrews, K.T., Melville, L., McCarthy, J., Gardiner, D.L. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (2007) [Pubmed]
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