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Clinical use of laboratory tests for the identification of secondary forms of arterial hypertension.

The prevalence of secondary hypertension can be underestimated if appropriate tests are not performed. The importance of selecting patients with a high pre-test probability of secondary forms of hypertension is first discussed. The laboratory tests currently used for seeking a cause of hypertension are critically reviewed, with emphasis on their operative features and limitations. Strategies to identify primary aldosteronism, the most frequent form of secondary hypertension, and to determine its unilateral or bilateral causes are described. Treatment entails adrenalectomy in unilateral forms, and mineralocorticoid receptor blockade in bilateral forms. Renovascular hypertension is also a common, curable form of hypertension, that should be identified as early as possible to avoid the onset of cardiovascular target organ damage. The tests for its confirmation or exclusion are discussed. The various tests available for the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma, which is much rarer than the above but extremely important to identify, are also described, with emphasis on recent developments in genetic testing. Finally, the tests for diagnosing some rarer monogenic forms and other renal and endocrine causes of arterial hypertension are explored.[1]


  1. Clinical use of laboratory tests for the identification of secondary forms of arterial hypertension. Rossi, G.P., Seccia, T.M., Pessina, A.C. Critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences (2007) [Pubmed]
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