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Gene Review

NR3C2  -  nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C,...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: MCR, MLR, MR, Mineralocorticoid receptor, NR3C2VIT, ...
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Disease relevance of NR3C2


Psychiatry related information on NR3C2


High impact information on NR3C2


Chemical compound and disease context of NR3C2


Biological context of NR3C2


Anatomical context of NR3C2

  • Using the MR-specific H10E anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibody, immunoprecipitation of cytosol from recombinant baculovirus-infected Sf9 cells pulse-labeled with 32Pi demonstrated for the first time that the recombinant hMR is highly phosphorylated [1].
  • In human kidney, colon, and salivary gland, 11 beta HSD2 protects the MR from glucocorticoid excess in an autocrine fashion [18].
  • Immunoperoxidase studies on the mineralocorticoid target tissues, kidney, colon, and parotid gland indicated positive staining in epithelial cells known to express the MR: respectively, renal collecting ducts, surface and crypt colonic epithelial cells, and parotid duct epithelial cells [18].
  • MR mRNA abundance in fetal hearts was found to be similar to that in adult kidney and hippocampus [19].
  • In the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex Brodmann's area 9 (BA 9), MR mRNA was significantly lower (p<0.05) in all laminae (I-VI) in BP, and in laminae I, III, IV and VI in SZ than in the controls [6].

Associations of NR3C2 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of NR3C2


Enzymatic interactions of NR3C2


Co-localisations of NR3C2


Regulatory relationships of NR3C2


Other interactions of NR3C2


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NR3C2

  • Finally, indirect immunofluorescence demonstrated that the hMR is expressed primarily as a cytoplasmic protein that can be induced to translocate to the nucleus upon treatment with hormone [1].
  • Protein inhibitor of activated signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 interacts with the N-terminal domain of mineralocorticoid receptor and represses its transcriptional activity: implication of small ubiquitin-related modifier 1 modification [3].
  • The MR mRNA expression in the post-mortem prefrontal cortex of patients with major depression (MD), bipolar (BP), and schizophrenic (SZ) disorders and non-psychiatric controls (n=15 for each patient group, and n=14 for controls) was determined by in-situ hybridization [6].
  • Electrophoretic mobility shift analysis demonstrated that DNA binding of MR occurred only after treatment with aldosterone [22].
  • We have identified a new human MR isoform, hMRDelta5,6, resulting from an alternative splicing event skipping exons 5 and 6 of the human MR gene. hMRDelta5,6 mRNAs are expressed in several human tissues at different levels compared with wild-type human MR, as shown by real time PCR [33].


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