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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Oxidative titrations of reduced cytochrome aa3: influence of cytochrome c and carbon monoxide on the midpoint potential values.

Oxidative titrations were performed on the electrostatic complex formed between cytochrome c and cytochrome aa3 at low ionic strength. Midpoint potentials of the redox centers in the proteins in 1:1 and 2:1 complexes were compared with those in mixtures of the cytochromes at high ionic strength. Computer simulations of all titrations yielded midpoint potentials for the components of cytochrome aa3 which were consistent with literature values for isolated cytochrome aa3 or mixture of cytochromes c and aa3. However, the unequal heme extinction coefficients observed previously (Schroedl, N.A., and Hartzell, C.R. (1977), Biochemistry 16, 1327) during oxidative titrations of cytochrome aa3 became equal in magnitude under these experimental conditions. The binding of cytochrome c to cytochrome aa3 changed the midpoint potentials of cytochrome aa3 by 15-20 mV, while the midpoint potentials for cytochrome c were altered by 50-60 mV. Careful analysis of these titrations including computer simulation revealed that cytochrome c was able to bind to cytochrome aa3 only after cytochrome aL2+ had become oxidized. When bound to cytochrome aa3, the midpoint potential of cytochrome c was 210 7V. Titrations performed under a carbon monoxide atmosphere revealed cytochrome aa3 midpoint potentials unchanged from reported values. Cytochrome c again exhibited a midpoint potential of 210 mV after binding to cytochrome aa3.[1]


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