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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Can the status of tubal pregnancy be predicted with transvaginal sonography? A prospective comparison of sonographic, surgical, and serum hCG findings.

Results of transvaginal sonography were compared prospectively with surgical findings and levels of serum human chorionic gonadotropin in 120 women with a proved tubal pregnancy. The most common sonographic finding was a saclike adnexal ring, which was seen in 74 of the women (61.7%). This finding was strongly associated with functioning trophoblasts and with an intact fallopian tube. In 39 of the women (32.5%) an adnexal mass with a complex texture was found. Of these 39 women, 20 had a tubal hematoma and six had a ruptured fallopian tube. The size of the tubal mass created by ectopic pregnancy was predicted precisely (r = .91, P less than .001), and transvaginal sonography enabled detection of hemoperitoneum with a sensitivity of 91% (68 of 75 women). This study suggests that the status of a tubal pregnancy can be predicted reliably on the basis of transvaginal sonographic findings.[1]


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